The nutritional aspect is essential to living a full and healthy life. In this edition, we are going to introduce you to five foods that can help you battle circulatory complications.

The nutritional aspect is essential to living a full and healthy life. Eating foods that make us feel good has to be a priority in our lives. In this edition, we are going to introduce you to five foods that can help you battle circulatory complications. Keep in mind that you should start with good hydration in your day-to-day:



Garlic is one of the ingredients that can bring the most benefits to the body. Specifically, this vegetable is good for blood circulation because it causes vasodilation. That is, it increases the diameter of blood vessels, allowing blood to flow more easily. Garlic contains allicin, a sulfur compound that prevents blood vessels from becoming inflamed and clots from forming. In addition, this food contains quercetin, a flavonoid that helps strengthen veins and complements its anti-inflammatory properties. In short, garlic is a food that you should include in your diet if you are suffering from circulatory insufficiency.


3 recipes with garlic:

  • Garlic bread
  • Shrimp Scampi
  • Brandade of cod


Another ideal natural food to combat varicose veins and spider veins is ginger. It has a great capacity to dissolve fibrin, which is one of the proteins responsible for the formation of blood clots. By breaking down, blood flow is much more optimal and thrombosis and high blood cholesterol are prevented. Likewise, ginger has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that make it essential to ease leg pain due to poor venous return.


3 recipes with ginger:

  • Ginger tea
  • Ginger cookies
  • Ginger chicken


Blue Fish

The third food that you should consider introducing into your day-to-day life is oily fish. Its high content of Omega 3 is of great help for the circulatory system. When ingested and metabolized, it decreases the probability of blood clotting and lowers blood pressure. In addition, the fat in oily fish is considered healthy for the body.


3 recipes with oily fish:

  • Nice with onion and tomato
  • Baked salmon with potatoes
  • Nice with vegetables


Vegetables are one of the basic foods to maintain a healthy diet. Specifically, spinach has high levels of vitamins and minerals that prevent disease, have benefits for the skin and help build muscle. And yes, they will also improve your blood circulation. Spinach contains glycolipids, which produce the nitric oxide molecule. This component is key to getting blood vessels to dilate and lower blood pressure. In addition, its high content of magnesium makes it essential to prevent diabetes, since this nutrient regulates blood sugar levels.


3 recipes with spinach:

  • Spinach Lasagna
  • Spinach and pine nut croquettes
  • Spinach puree


Finally, one of the most common vegetables in our meals. The tomato, with hundreds of different types, is another natural remedy for blood circulation. It is a food rich in vitamin C and contains lycopene. This antioxidant is what gives it its colour and, at the same time, stimulates circulation, improving the function of arterial walls and controlling pressure. With heat, the effects of lycopene become more noticeable. In addition, the tomato contains iron, which is basic for the blood to be in good condition.


3 recipes with tomato:

  • Homemade tomato sauce
  • Gazpacho
  • Salmorejo

The next time you go shopping, you should take into account these 5 foods that can benefit your circulatory failure. From Antipress we will continue trying to help you with advice to improve your well-being.